This is the new entry to the old building where I attended high school from 1961 through 1965 - good old Enka High. Now it's a middle school and I've never been in the new high school, so while my mind is confused my memory isn't.
I recently went back to visit the old building to get my annual flu shot. It seemed like a good way to get inside and see what memories would return. What a treat it was! So here's a little stroll down memory lane at EHS. These were some of the best years of my life and put me on a good path.
An addition to the front of the building provides classrooms on the left and a large office on the right. But once I passed through the old entryway, there was the gym on my left and the memories came rushing back: PE classes, pep rallies, basketball games, and of course the junior and senior proms. New York Skyline by Night was the theme for one of them. I was president of the junior class so I had lots of responsibility that year. And it culminated with my winning the election for president of the student body for my senior year. Remembering the dances still makes my heart race!
Across from the gym is the auditorium but without fixed seating. The stage is about the only thing that remains from my days there. I remember having a class on the stage one time with Mike Bogle smoking a cigarette during class and his own electric fan taking the smoke out the window! Then there was my senior play, The Man Who Came to Dinner, with Jerry Grant in the lead role and me playing a reporter. Parking with my girl friend after play practice was more exciting than being in the play!
Our principal was Hugh Tomberlin, a very capable man, and his office was on the left. My student council office was across the hall from his and it's a good thing those walls can't talk!
Of course the cafeteria was another main gathering place for students and not just for lunch. It was also the venue for "sock hops" (dances after ball games), square dance team practices, and being measured for caps and gowns and rings. The dining area has seen a large expansion to the left and the whole place is bright and cheery.
This mural is nice touch and a tribute to the Enka Jet spirit. And it was that spirit that helped get me through 4 years at UNC, a year of pilot training in the Air Force and my stint as an instructor pilot.
I've often said that the 2 best things I learned in high school were typing and public speaking, One I'm still using right now!
It is much easier to blog again so I hope to do more than I have over the past months. Thanks for stopping by!