Monday, September 13, 2010

A New Ride & Itinerary

This morning I decided to buy the Burgman 400 that I first saw in Hot Springs.  She sure is a beauty and very smooth, fast and comfortable.  It looks brand new, has a lot of extras and had a very good price.  Overall I'm very pleased, even though I now own 2 scooters - again!  Hugh has agreed to let me store the Vespa at his place over the winter if I don't sell it before I go to Florida.  The Burg has a 400cc engine and will do 80 easily.  On the road again!

Here's my new card, thanks to high school classmate Archie Huntsinger, a class A printer.  It was a pleasure to work with him and his daughter on this little project. 

Today also saw a big change in my itinerary.  I decided not to go to Mississippi and instead come back to Asheville October 6 and stay until November 17.  There are several reasons.  My cousin, Junior Cagle, had a severe stroke about 18 months ago, paralyzing his left side.  Of course he is bed bound and susceptible to infections that for most of us are minor.  But when bed bound, infections can become major pretty quickly.  So I want to spend time with him and his wife, Hester, and their children.  I also want to see cousin William and his wife, Joyce, and some other folks as well.  And then there's Jubilee...

Next week I'll be leaving here for Chapel Hill to visit friends and get a few things from storage.  Then off to Wilmington for a days work, then to Cedar Point to visit sister-in-law Marianne and other relatives of LaVerne.  When I leave Fletcher in November, I'll stop in Pendleton for a visit before heading south for the winter. 

Thanks for stopping by!

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