Saturday, October 9, 2010

On the Road, No Destination

Being on the road without a destination gave me a unique feeling of freedom.  I can't recall ever doing that before, although it's pretty likely that I have at some point.  I was definitely in the moment and stayed there for a while.  Thinking about where I would be at night fall would have put me in the future, so I just coasted for a little bit.  It was fun!  It was uplifting.  It was good.

As I drifted along, I remembered that I had a credit at a campground in Marion created when I cancelled a reservation there and stayed near Asheville instead.  So I went to Mountain Stream RV park about 8 miles north of Marion and it was beautiful!  I had a prime site next to the creek and could hear it clearly even without my hearing aids.  The parkway was a short drive away so the Burg and me hit the road for a little spin.  The colors were just beginning and it was fine, mighty fine indeed!

On Tuesday, Marcia came to visit for the afternoon, as we had been missing each other very much and didn't want to wait until Thursday.  As usual, we had a wonderful time together and enjoyed some laughter mixed with some tears, too.  There have been more sad moments than usual this week, as it was 2 years ago that LaVerne was nearing the end of her life on earth. 

Marcia is a good passenger on the Burg and had never ridden before I invited her to ride with me.  Since I've returned to Fletcher, we have gone on a couple of rides, one on the parkway and another to Hot Springs today.  Tomorrow afternoon we plan to ride to Lake Junaluska, a sacred place, and hopefully let the spirits help our healing a little bit more.

I've been to Davidson River twice since returning, and even caught a trout at the base of Sliding Rock.  I'd always wanted to fish there but it's usually full of sliders/swimmers.  It was a little bitty thing, not enough for a snack, so back he went.  It was gorgeous day and a thoroughly enjoyable outing.  Marcia and I were there the day before and there were several swimmers in spite of it being "closed". 

Marcia at Sliding Rock
Tomorrow I hope to post a memorial to LaVerne here, along with some of my favorite pics of her.  There are times when I still miss her very much, yet those times are fewer and farther between now.  Some folks had told me the second year was worse than the first, but that hasn't been true for me.  Thanks to the grief support groups, my fine therapist, my family and friends, I have been able to heal and find happiness again.  And in the process, I have found the place where I belong, my home. 

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