Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holy One

Barbara and Jennifer, mother and daughter

Barbara and Jennifer shared this moment of intense laughter just after Jen arrived for dinner.  I have no idea what they were laughing about as I was caught up in watching them enjoy each other so much.  Barbara and I had been in an intense conversation just a few minutes before Jen arrived, and this was a wonderful relief and release for both of us.  Thanks, Jen!  You're a very fine lady, daughter, mother and wife!!!

Brother-in-law Luis

Yesterday Luis and Jason took me to their favorite fishing hole to re-introduce me to salt water fishing.  Unfortunately, the fish had other ideas and didn't show themselves in any way whatsoever.  Even live shrimp couldn't bring them to us.  We think the cool weather caused them to go elsewhere that day. So we had to be content with enjoying the weather, each others' company and untangling this "bird's nest" on Luis' reel.  It was a good outing and I look forward to doing it again. 

Tranquility bay near Venice

The other day I told a friend of mine that my joy was coming from the Holy One having healed my heart and opened me to joy and happiness.  I believe this is a good description of my being right now.  There is a scar on my heart from the loss of LaVerne, and there always will be.  It's still sensitive sometimes when it's touched, like today, LaVerne's birthday.  Her sister, Marianne, called this morning just to say hi.  And while neither of us mentioned what today is, neither of us had to.  I avoided tearing up while we talked, though I came real close near the end.  When we hung up, my tears flowed freely and I felt relieved, as I always do after a good cry.  Happiness is winning over sadness, now, and I hope that continues for a long time. 



  1. Luis looks like he's getting ready to "finger shoot" a fish.

  2. I wish I was there fishing with you guys. I miss living close to the water, although it has been many years since I have done so (having been raised in Jacksonville, Florida). I have fond memories of going fishing and crabbing with my mother on weekends. And, about that bird's nest -- part of the way I enjoy being by the water is patiently unsnarling knots. Gives me something to do while I am enjoying the scenery and waiting for a possible dinner entree to arrive. Tranquility Bay looks just that! Looks like life is good Fred. May you have many more contented days before you.

  3. I called it tranquilty bay because it was so calm. Don't know what the real name is! Glad this brought back good memories for you. If you enjoy untangling knots, you would've had a ball on this day!

  4. I was thinking of you today, remembering that it is LaVerne's birthday. It is also my parents' anniversary and was a day for me to remember them and my love for them. Glad you are finding peace, Fred. May it spread around the world, one heart at a time. xoxo


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