Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Grand Tetons!

The RV park was full of these little guys, ground squirrels.  They look a lot like prairie dogs and I'm not sure I could tell the difference, but this is what I was told by the proprietor.  They owned the park and would often sit nearby and make a scolding sound.  Once when I was grilling, one came up and licked the leftovers off the rack while the coals were heating up.  Cute critters.

This was a typical view when riding toward the mountains.  They tend to dominate the landscape, as well they should, and overshadow the beauty of the valleys, until you take a closer look. 

On my first trip into Jackson Hole, a cloud of dust across the road indicated something was going on.  There was a large herd of horses from the Triangle X dude ranch crossing the road.  What a sight!  Once they and the dust had settled, I got this shot of them in their element. 

Jackson Hole seems to be a typical western town, with a very pretty square in the middle, the center of activity.  There were plenty of shops, a few with some very nice things, and many were just typical touristy type places.  I avoided the Million Dollar Saloon, as their prices indicated how they got their name, and chose a second story cafe overlooking the square.  It was a pleasant 72 degrees as I enjoyed a local brew and a chili dog.  Yum!

On the ride home, a collection of cars on the side of the road told me that something had been spotted.  So I pulled the Burg off to the side and finally got to see a moose.  This large cow was submerging her head totally, then munching the  river grass as the water ran from her jaws.  I was very glad that I drank Moose Drool Ales before I saw this sight, as I'm not sure I would have ever had one had I seen this first. 

This was the first time I had been to a "town" in over 2 weeks, and I must say I enjoyed it.  Then I started to feel restless and had to get out of town!  There was too much stimulation after so long a time without it. 

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