As it says in my "About Me" introduction, since LaVerne died in October, 2008, I have been redefining normal. She and I talked a lot about her passing and she asked if I would be okay. I said yes, that I would be very sad for a while, then I would be okay. Little did I know how deep that sadness would be or how long it would last. Yet I seem to have settled into a new natural, usual state of being which is one definition of normal.
In March of 2010, there were no entries to this blog. Why? Because I was very depressed after returning home from 2 months on the road in Florida. "Man's mind, once stretched to a new idea, never regains its original dimension" said Oliver Wendell Holmes. The house was no longer a home and I wanted to live my vision of being on the road full time. So I found a home for LaVerne's cat, Peaches, and prepared to store my furniture and rent my house. After 18 months of life on the road, I acquired a new, larger and nicer trailer, a bigger truck to pull it and a bigger scooter. I also acquired 2 new companions, Lynn and her chihuahua, Tinkerbell, who bring me much joy and happiness.
My new normal finds me spending a third of my time in Florida, where I lived from age 6 months to 13 years , and two thirds in Asheville, my hometown. I used to make fun of snow birds, now I are one! It's more than nice to have the same home in both places. I've also spent more time with 2 of my half-sisters, Barbara and Nancy, than I ever have before. They are such a joy! They both came to visit me in Asheville last year and that was a wonderful treat.
Reconnecting with relatives that I've always liked has become another important part of my life now. In addition to Barb and Nancy, June and Hester Cagle, and Henrietta, there has been William and Joyce Propest. All of these good people had a big influence on me as I was growing up and I'm grateful.
Jubilee! community in Asheville is now a regular part of my life, whether I'm there attending in person or listening to the webcast in the comfort of my trailer home. I have also made a financial commitment to Jubilee! and hope to offer them more of my time this year, too. The 4 T program from Unity continues to influence my life - tithing of my time, talent and treasure to the source of my spiritual nourishment.
For the first time since I moved away from Boone, I am playing golf regularly again. There's a weekly golf league here that's a lot of fun on a very good course, and the guys are good to be with. My game is slowly returning and I can still make so good shots once in a while.
Reunions have been the norm the past few years and will continue in 2012. In March I'll be attending the first reunion of my Undergraduate Pilot Training Class, 70-08. We learned to fly at Williams AFB, AZ, in almost ideal conditions. It will be in Dallas, TX and looks like most of the class will be there. Bios have been exchanged via email and it will be more than fascinating to catch up with so many highly accomplished people (a couple of generals, a test pilot and an astronaut).
In August I plan to attend my Enka High School reunion, again, which will include the classes of '64 and '66 this time, a first. At a reunion planning meeting, a man I hadn't seen since college told me I had changed his life by suggesting he look into the Air Force ROTC program. He joined, became a pilot and made a career of it.
Henrietta Case |
A couple of sad reunions occurred last year around the deaths of 2 of my favorite cousins, Henrietta Case and Junior Cagle. But there were also some unexpected revelations from relatives I encountered at those gatherings. One relative said "during that difficult time in my life, you were the only person who cared about me." I hadn't seen this man in over 40 years and his words touched my heart. "That time" was when he was in prison in Raleigh and I would go visit him there. Another one said, "you were my hero" when I was young. I had no idea! The kind words boosted my sagging spirit, that's for sure.
Melvin Cagle, Jr. |
My diet in Florida consists of lots of fresh orange juice and oranges, avocados and lots of fresh, delicious tomatoes! Most of the other produce is fresh, too, as the growing season here is so long. Then there's the seafood...especially shrimp. But I also find a lot of good rainbow trout here, which is a bit unusual. Lynn has perfected ciopino and we have it quite often. It is a wonderful seafood stew that I learned of from Trader Joe's.
As Lao Tse said, Life is like the river, it flows on and on. Ready or not, like it or not. Sometimes I paddle, sometimes I float, and sometimes I steer around the obstacles, or not. Life is still an adventure and I'm still glad to be here, waking up on the right side of the grass. Thanks for stopping by!