Monday, January 30, 2012

Native American Festival

Kevin Locke, hoop dancer
It was about this time last year that I attended the Sarasota Native American Festival and I enjoyed it so much that I put it on my calendar as soon as I heard about it this year.  What a wonderful surprise when the emcee announced that Kevin Locke, famous hoop dancer and flute player, was here and would be performing.  The drum this year was a very good one, with several members from Cherokee, which warmed my heart.  Then there were the smells:  wood fires, burning sage and sweet grass, buffalo burgers and of course fry bread.  Lunch consisted of 2 buffalo burger patties on fry bread and I was in heaven!

Although there weren't very many dancers there, the ones who were there were excellent.  There were several former national champions and I regret not getting their names for here. 

It was a very fine time with some highly talented and experienced Native American artists.  As always in these settings, I left feeling very grounded and happy.  The drum beat alone reminded me that mother earth is still there, bearing good and evil alike, sustaining us each and every day.  All my relations!  Oh yeah!

1 comment:

  1. Mitakuye Oyasin. We are overdue for a sweat lodge ceremony.


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