Friday, May 14, 2010

The quarry

This morning I asked Vic about all the cars parked just off the road near the campground entrance. He said that was the trail to a rock quarry where he & the sibs jumped/dived off high rocks when they were young. so we hopped on the scooter & went there.
What a serene place! A small cove with very deep water & rocks high enough to make the adrenalin flow if you're thinking about jumping off. I went back later in the afternoon & watched as young dudes jumped, flipped & dived off the rocks into the cool water. The testosterone was so thick along the cliff that it hung like a dense fog. Yep I even felt like a teenager myself for a moment or 2 although I didn't jump - this time.
Went to Clemson to see if there was anything of interest there besides the terrorist training place for squirrels. Never saw so many places selling university stuff, even in Chapel Hill & Raleigh. The town of Clemson IS for selling Clemson stuff & that's about it.
On the way there I stopped at the Old Stone Church, one of the places Lee showed me after I first met him. It was built in the late 1700's & the cemetery has graves from the colonial period, on. It is a very sacred place & feels that way. The inside of the church is spartan, at best. It, too, feels very sacred.
I did find a pretty cool bar called The Esso Club. The beer was cold & the bar maids young & pretty. Not much for this geezer to do except take a few pics & get in out of the heat for a while.
It has been a nice, quiet day again & I have enjoyed it. For some reason I had a few sad moments thinking about LaVerne & missing her again. They passed soon enough, but I still miss her today.
Tonight is a birthday celebration dinner for Lindalee & that should be fun. May ride the scooter but we'll see.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you made it back before the gate closed! Thanks so much for coming out to celebrate my birthday, I hope it brightened the end of your day. I have now had both the steak and the seafood there at Mountain View, but still not sure which is better. Both are really good.


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