Saturday, March 26, 2011


My last week in Florida for this season has begun and I have a lot of mixed feelings.  And they are swinging like a pendulum, happy-sad, excited-blah, anxious to leave-don't wanna go.  So this week I'm trying to do things that I've been putting off, like going to an Orioles game.  It was great fun!  Standing room only in a very fine and newly refurbished stadium playing the Yankees.  When I left at the end of 7 innings, the O's were ahead 6 to 1.  And, I've been trying to continue doing the things I like, such as seeing my nephew play baseball and dinners with the Sierra's.
In the last game of his that I saw, Jason was 2 for 4 at the plate and his team was ahead 17 to 4 after 4 innings, when the game was stopped for the mercy rule.  Good thing.  It was a solid thumping by Cardinal Mooney and no use to keep playing.  Unfortunately, I missed the game yesterday due to a scheduling error on my part.  Hopefully I can catch at least one more before I go.

And then there has been March Madness.  Lord knows how much I love those Tar Heels!  They made up for some of those heart-stopping close ones by opening up a big ole can of whup ass on Marquette last night.  Don't know that I've ever seen them play better defense.  It was an awesome sight and Marquette finally came around a little bit, but it was too little, too late and the Heels prevailed.  Sure wish Ohio State had won so that I could have made a wager with niece Jennifer's husband, Mike.  That was a great game and could easily have gone the other way. 

Went to the movies today for a change of pace and because it had been so long since I'd seen one.  "The Lincoln Lawyer" was my pick for today and it was very good.  Matthew McConaughey, Marisa Tomei, William H. Macy performed well for a well written story.  Mat and Morris had a very steamy scene and the sparks appeared quite real.  Yee ha!  It (the movie, that is) sagged a bit in the middle, but made up for it at the end.  I also want to see "Win Win' with Paul Giamotti, and Spielberg has one coming out June 10, "Super 8", that looks to be a very good one.  Happy birthday to me! 

The Burg's thermometer read 92 when I rode home around 2, so I may head for the pool for a soak.  I have a feeling that the pool in Asheville will be more than a little chilly when I get there, if it's even filled yet. 

Closure with this visit has begun with me pulling away from people emotionally and physically to ease the pain of "good-byes".  Of course a change in geography will bring a change in climate, and I'm looking forward to that.  I love the chill of mountain air and the warmth of a crackling camp fire.  It will also be good to see old friends, close relatives and of course experience Jubilee! in person. 

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Change of weather, for sure! Be prepared - freezing rain and snow here today.


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