Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Color of Pleasure-2

Pleasure of a warm fire
Note: The text in italics was changed after the first version went out. 
The title comes from Howard Hanger's message at Jubilee! on February 27 and, as is so often the case, it's a doozie!  I continue to be amazed at how often his messages speak to what's on my mind or in my heart and this one certainly did.  Here are the parts that rang my bell.  I won't even pretend to give the whole message, but it's there on the website if you want it.

Last night at the Sierra's for dinner, I mentioned I had met a new lady and enjoyed her company a lot.  Of course it's no secret to anyone who knows me that I like the ladies and always have.  It just seems that lately there have been more than a few passing through my life.  Jennifer commented that I was a "player" and I heard it in a negative way, not that she intended it to be negative.  I asked her to define what she meant and she did so very clearly: a man who is seeing several women and not making a commitment.  Yep, that's me.
[Note: This was still bothering me so I consulted Wikipedia and found the following for "player" (dating): slang term for an individual (usually male but also female) skilled at sexual seduction, or a male that will date a female and then dump her almost immediately.  While I may have stopped seeing someone after a date or two, she got an explanation from me and it was usually because we weren't a good match.  As for my skills at sexual seduction, if you want to know more, ask!]

So this morning while listening to Jubilee! I realized that my reaction came from the first time I was ever called a player, by a former lover who I had just broken up with.  We had seen a lot of each other over a long period of time and it became clear to me that a long term relationship wasn't going to work.  She spat the word at me in her anger and it hurt just like it was supposed to.  I did a very poor job of ending that relationship, so I didn't judge her anger - but it still hurt. 

LaVerne and me, pleasure of love
Howard spoke of pleasure as a way to be transported, lifted out of our current state and allowed to connect with the Divine.  It may be the pleasure of a sweet chocolate, or flowers, or the touch of a lover, or the sound of sweet music.  It is our greatest gift from the creator because it helps us to experience God not just think about him/her. 

Me and V on Tail of the Dragon, good ride!
Laughter is a form of pleasure that lifts the veil and lets us connect with the divine.  In that moment when we open our mouth and laugh out loud, we have no worries, hurts or concerns.  We simply exist in that moment in a blissful way. 

We then sang the good ole hippy song "Feelin' Groovy".

From the Hebrew scriptures:  "Therefore I will now allure her and bring her into the wilderness."  This was God speaking to Israel.  However, it could also be the Holy One speaking to us!   Accept it, enjoy it, allow it. 

Flowers, music and candlelight are associated with romance and religion.  We find these things on the altars of churches and the tables of romantic dinners. 

Allah speaks of eating with ones hands, washed first so the utensils are clean, as a way of not eating too much and being in touch, literally, with the food and the Divine presence.  It is a more pleasurable way to eat, especially fruits and such.  He also mentioned belching and farting as pleasure associated with eating in many cultures, yet seldom do we imagine the Pope, Allah or especially Jesus doing these things.  I must admit the thought made me squirm, then it made me giggle! 

Pleasure of great food, by Chef Luis
Pleasure is not evil.  It's a gift from God.  Then we sang "I Feel Good!"  Oh yeah!  Thank you, Howard, for saying what I needed to hear, when I needed to hear it.  I look forward to being back there in person soon!

Pleasure of a sunset
PS  I'm reminded of an old hymn sung often in the Baptist church when I was a kid:  "Love Lifted Me".  It did, and it still does!


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