Thursday, January 7, 2010

Good day for a ride

It warmed up to over 60 today so I hit the road on the Vespa & saw the Warbird Museum just north of here. It was terrific! Here's a pic of a C-47 being refurbished. One of the volunteers took me inside it for a good look around. It had push seats, unlike the metal bench in the first one I rode it. You can go for a ride in it for $150 or so he thought. They had the whole history of the plane going back to Normandy & D-day. There were lots of other fine planes, as well as displays of uniforms, radios, weapons, pictures and other memorabilia.

Tonight I'm off to Beef O'Gradys to watch the big football game. It should be a good one. It has to be better than watching Carolina try to play football. I'm pulling for Alabama since Mac Brown left UNC for Texas. Roll tide roll!!!!

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