Monday, July 30, 2012

Bele Cher 2012

Although we didn't get to experience much of this wonderful street festival due to work, I managed to go for while on Saturday and Lynn and I for a little bit on Sunday after Jubilee!.  The music was fantastic!  Pictured above is Sanctum Sully which I thoroughly enjoyed.  Then there was the people watching...

There were more than a few hellfire and brimstone preachers loudly spouting their brand of religion.  This lovely young silent protester made her counter point quite well. 
This finely attired Scotsman should have been at the Highland Brewing tent.  Instead, he was next to the alcohol arm band folks.   

No, I didn't get a free hug from these young men.  However....

...if this young lady had been offering free hugs, I would have had to step up.  I think she was recruiting for the topless protest that's coming in August.  Oh yeah, I plan to be there. 

On a sad note, I just received word that my friend and former golf buddy, Harry Beard, passed away.  He was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  He was 86.  Harry was one of the most unique people I've ever known.  Made his own maple syrup every year, grew a fine garden, was known for the nude volleyball games that used to be played at his place and he played a mean game of golf, most of the time.  I know John Hohn, who completed our 3some, will miss him greatly.  RIP Harry.