Monday, February 17, 2014


Entry to the "House of John".  John Ringling.

Lynn is in the foreground to show how large this banyan tree is.  What a beauty!

Lynn amongst the banyan tree.

The graves of John and Mabel Ringling and his sister, Ida.

Myra's niece Tracy is in the foreground.

Notice the ceiling....

The light shining through this marble is spectacular.  I took this picture right after discovering a "museum" setting on my camera.   Click on picture for larger view.

I call this the great hall, though I'm not sure of the real name.  

This is the tap room.  Oh yeah!

The great room looking toward the bay.  

 Myra in the foreground with the mansion behind.

The museum.  No pictures allowed inside.  This place is a must see for any art lover or lover of fine architecture.  It is truly awesome!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Home Signs

These are the signs of our home.  Jubilee! is our spiritual home in Asheville.  The Eagle is our physical home wherever we go.  And the newest sign lists the inhabitants of the Eagle, me, Lynn and Tinkerbell.

Today I was washing the front of the trailer when I looked up and saw a real bald eagle fly over at low altitude, 50 feet or so.  I quickly ran to tell Lynn and as we came back out, it made another pass and prepared to attack something: wings back, hovering, talons open.  Then it must have lost its' prey and went back to normal flight.  We were treated to a couple more passes before it went on its way.

A simple sight, yet very moving.  I was shaking so badly that I couldn't even get my camera out of the holster!  And Lynn was moved to tears.  Whew.

Life is good!  Sooo good!