Monday, February 28, 2011

Odds and Ends-Again, Again

Patrick having lunch at the beach
Attacked!  At the beach last week, Houston and Patrick were sitting on towels in front of me having their sandwiches for lunch when a seagull swooped in over our shoulders and tried to grab Patrick's sandwich.  The gull nipped his hand instead, but lunch was saved and finished under the cover of a towel.  P was a little shaken by the whole experience and rightfully so.  The flying rat had almost snatched his lunch!  It reminded me of a time on a cruise ship island with LaVerne, Lou and Marianne when L's lunch was similarly attacked and the scoundrels got her cookies. 
Snake in the Grass  If you look closely in the center of the picture, you can see the black snake just behind the log, facing to the left.  One of the grandsons spotted it as we were having lunch at Myakka River State Park.  The snake was chasing a lizard for lunch but came up short, this time.  It was fun to see.

Suuwee!  Trey spotted the first wildlife at Myakka, a wild pig in the tall grass.  I didn't get a pic, but we'll all vouch for the sighting.

Shuttle Launch   We were finishing up a dip in the pool when I realized that the shuttle was about to launch and we might be able to see it.  I called everyone, then scooted around to inform them in person.  Alas, low, scattered clouds prevented us from viewing it.  Seeing a launch was on my list, but not near the top.  Oh well.  Maybe there will be another space program before I go to outer space for good.  Hope so!

Oscars   Last night I went to my first Oscar party at the Sarasota Film Society.  It's something I'd been wanting to do for a long time and finally found the opportunity.  There was plenty of food and drink before the show, but I had been to Luis' Cafe and was pretty full when I got there.  I saw an interesting lady and asked if I could sit next to her during the cocktail hour.  After exchanging a few pleasantries, she abruptly left and I sat there pondering what had happened?  I have no idea and don't really care, so maybe that's why she left!   The event made the late news on local TV, but I avoided the camera (bad hair day).

Good friend Jan arrives tomorrow to visit for a week and I'll sure be glad to see her.  There will be scooter rides, fine dining, cooking here, some fishing, going to the beach and watching some Tar Heel basketball.  Jan is one of the few who seemed to understand what was happening with me when LaVerne died.  In spite of me acting more than a little weird at times, she hung in there and I appreciate that more than she will ever know.  Thank you, good friend. 

Sunset at Casey Key Fish Camp
Tomorrow begins my last month here for this season, and I've already reserved my same space for next season, starting December 1st, lord willing.  It has been a very fine stay and the last month will be a full one, with visits and lots of baseball, both Jason's and the Orioles.  Then there's March Madness!  And, sister Barbara and I are going to Disney World for a few days, starting that adventure with a  Cirque de Soleil, her first time. 

While I will be somewhat sad to leave, I look forward to being at Jubilee! again as the podcasts just don't quite do for me what the in- person experiences do.  It will be so good to be there! 

Had a record fillup of the truck today:  $82 for 23.6 gallons.  I hope to be able to follow through with my travel plans for the summer, but I may have to do a little part-time work to pay the gas bill.  We'll see...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Crowders Come to Florida

Barbara (sister), Trey, Barbara (daughter)
Barbara, Trey, Houston and Patrick arrived last Monday for a visit and we had a wonderful time!  Sister Barbara rode with me to St. Pete to pick them up at the airport.  The boys were very excited, as this was their first plane trip.  They also "ah'd" a lot going over the Sunshine Skyway bridge for the first time.  They all quickly changed from long sleeves to short ones and headed for the pool while I setup the borrowed Winnebago for Trey and Barbara to sleep in.  The boys bunked with me and that was just fine!  The highlight of that was getting to hear them do their nightly prayers and hearing my name mentioned a time or 2.  It's a wonderful feeling to know someone is praying for you. 
That night we went to dinner at the Casey Key Fish House, which I'd heard was good.  It wasn't good, it was great!  Among us we had tuna, mahi mahi, Chilean sea bass and giant shrimp stuffed with crab meat.  We left there a few pounds heavier and totally satisfied.  What a great meal and a fine start for their visit.

Patrick and Houston, grandsons
On Tuesday, after a brief stop at Wal-Mart to get shovels for the boys, we were off to Siesta Key beach.  The guys dug and swam, I walked, and Barb and Trey smiled a lot, soaking up the sun and salt air.  It was a little foggy to begin with, but that burned off and the day was sunny and warm.  Great fun!

Barbara and Trey

On Wednesday we went to Myakka State Park, one of my most favorite places, and did the air boat ride.  We saw lots and lots of gators, a black snake chasing a lizard and fish in the river.  We all enjoyed a stroll through the gift shop, one of the better ones I know of, and a nice lunch, including some gator stew for me.  My new tee shirt says: "Advice from a campfire.  Bring people together.  Spark new ideas.  Kindle strong friendships.  Radiate warmth.  No smoking.  Be a good storyteller.  Don't burn out."  Although we didn't have a campfire because none are allowed in the RV park, we did the other things pretty well.  Although I was more than a little tired by the end of the week.

Luis, Houston, Patrick and Trey

That evening we went to the Sierra's for the regular Wednesday family dinner, except this one was anything but "regular".  Luis and Barbara are exceptionally fine hosts, both having worked in the hospitality business for many years, and you always feel warmly welcomed to their home.  Luis asked the boys if they'd ever had fresh sugar cane, and they hadn't, so he grabbed his machete, said "follow me" and in a few seconds he had chopped off a cane, removed the bark and we were all sucking the sweet juice from the cane.  What a treat!  Once again, these are the kinds of things that make this lifestyle so worthwhile for me right now.  Luis cooked one of his specialties, peccadillo, a Cuban dish, and we all ate our fill.  Jen, Mike and Jason joined us for the evening and the boys found a new idol with Jason.  They had seen him play baseball the day before and we're wowed by his stature.  And a more than interesting coincidence:  Jason received a letter of interest from the baseball program at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, near Barb and Trey.  The coach lives in their neighborhood and Houston played baseball with their son!  Hmmm....more than interesting!

Patrick, Houston and Barbara
Barbara surprised us with cupcakes and candles, a little celebration for all the ones we missed over the years.  And she gifted the boys with Frisbees and balls, Uncle Luis gave them some cash and Jason gave them pellet guns.  This was Treys first time meeting the Sierras and I thanked him several times for coming down to visit.  At one point he said "I didn't want to meet them at a funeral."  Unfortunately, that is often how some family  members get to meet first and he didn't want to do it that way.  He's truly a wonderful son-in-law and I told him so!

There was considerable talk about them coming again next year and staying a little longer perhaps.  I told them up front that was part of my agenda, to help them have such a good time that they would want to return.  Daughter Barbara, really enjoyed reconnecting with the Sierras and meeting Mike;  Trey and the boys had a fine first experience with them;  and I got to be here and see it all!  One of my regrets is not taking more pictures at the Sierras that night.  Another is that my son, Derick, and his family won't get to visit me here this year; hopefully next time they will. 

Here's another pony tail progress photo for the readers who've asked for this.  Sister Barbara fixed it for me on Monday while we waited for the Crowders to arrive.  She did a much better job than I do! 

Thanks to my friend Ginger for loaning me her Winnebago this week; thanks to Barbara and Luis for their generosity and hospitality; thanks to Barbara, Trey and my fine grandsons for making the trip; and thanks to the Holy One for this life and all the goodness we enjoy!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Riding Through Farmland

On Friday I jumped on the Burg and headed to Bushnell to visit a new friend, Marie.  She loves to ride and  the weather was gorgeous so we headed off to the country.  A short while into the ride, I saw this tunnel of oaks and just had to stop to take a pic or two.  As soon as I pulled off the road and we dismounted, a man came walking toward us across the lawn and at first I thought he was going to tell us to move.  Instead, he asked "Is everything okay?"  Yes, I replied, I just wanted to take some pictures of this.  When you're finished, he said, I want to show you something.  He had been washing an old truck (a 1950 something Ford Econoline pickup truck) in the yard, then lead us toward a garage.  And here is what we saw!
This Thunderbird is exactly like the one my high school English teacher, Mrs. Lingerfelt, owned.  She was so pretty and wore tight skirts every day.  I loved being in her class!  One day she let me drive her car from the front of the school to the back.  I was so excited I thought I'd have a heart attack!  It was awesome!

Also in there was a beautiful old Corvette and a Hudson,  which reminded me of the big old Hudson David Rickman had in high school.  We used to drive it around and around a field and knock down little saplings, dirt flying everywhere, laughing to beat the band.  It was built like a tank! Great memories!

 The pictures wouldn't download.  Will try again later.

There was a fine block party this afternoon, with my neighbor Lynn cooking a ham and chicken in a trash can!  It was a new one, of course, turned upside down with the meat in a rack over a drip pan.  The coals were placed on top and around the bottom.  It was delicious!  I haven't been to a covered dish dinner in a while and it was very difficult to eat light, knowing I had to go to the Sierra's for dinner at 5. 

Before dinner Barbara cautiously inquired about whether or not I'd like to go to Epcot and Disney World with her.  She was afraid I would say no.  I immediately said yes and the look on her face was like a kid on Christmas morning!  She got on the phone right away and made the reservations, so we're going the weekend of March 11.  Now that will be a blast!  I haven't been in a long time and she loves that place, as I do.  It is so good to have things to look forward to.  They pull us gently into the future.

Had trouble with my last batch of pictures.  Don't know what the problem is but hope to have it fixed soon.
Barbara (daughter) and family arrive today and Barbara (sister) and I are going to pick them up in St. Pete.  It will be so good to have them here.  I've enjoyed getting ready, including some spring cleaning.  The warm weather has allowed me to open up my little home on wheels and the warm breeze feels nice.

Life is GOOOOOOD!!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sheriff's Lecture

I'll save the lecture 'til last, as it's the best part of my adventures lately.

Nephew Jason had 2 doubles in the game on Tuesday night, one a sizzling grounder down the left field line that I wouldn't want to have been in front of!  I think the 3rd baseman may even have hesitated just a wee bit.   Our team won, 2 - 1, and J was a big part of that.  Way to go, young man!

I went with Ginger and Dakota to the dog beach at Venice the other day.  It was a hoot!  Like a big dog party.  The beach was very crowded and included all shapes and sizes of canines and people.  A huge Great Dane seemed to be the alpha, and G's Dakota was the friendliest of the pooches.  It was a fun time.

Today I went to Siesta Key to scout some places for visiting next week when the family is here.  Siesta Key Oyster Bar is a big winner for several reasons.  Number one, its' oysters come from Apalachicola, the best in the east!  And, from 3-6 every day, they're only $.50 each!  What a deal!  The walls are plastered with dollar bills bearing names and/or messages.  Then there were these 2 signs that I couldn't resist. 
I just had to see what the red sign said.  So here ya go.

As I was departing, I decided to get an outside shot of the place and these wild folks chose to pose for me!  Sorry I didn't get closer, as their facial contortions were pretty amazing, especially the lady! 

After leaving SKOB, I went down to the beach for a long walk along the water, which was nice and cool.  The sun was hot, the skies were clear and the wide expanse of sand was covered with bodies!  It was a nice stroll, to say the least.  

As I returned to the scooter, I saw a very nice Vespa entering the parking lot and wanted to speak to the rider.  However, a sheriff's deputy beat me to it, as he pulled up right in front of the Vespa and began speaking in a steady, firm tone to the driver.  Basically he said the driver was wrong when he said "F**k you" to the sheriff and some other driver.  The Vespa guy tried to deny it and the officer was having none of that.  The sheriff said, "You should  know who you're talking to before you say something like that."  Good point! The sheriff then said that the older drivers down here don't always see others as they should, and yes, the other driver was wrong, and yes, the Vespa guy was equally wrong in the aggressive way he reacted.  The sheriff went on to say that had the other driver been younger, the Vespa dude might have gotten more than he bargained for by speaking in that way, i.e, an ass whoopin'!  The officer asked if the Vespa dude was visiting or lived here, and he lived here.  The sheriff responded by saying, "Then you should know better".  The scooter guy and his lady then walked away and I gave the sheriff and thumbs up and a "Well done!"  He thanked me and I was on my way.

It was a great reminder for me, as I've had more close calls here than anywhere I've ever been.  And I sometimes, okay, often, get angry and upset.  I haven't cussed at anyone, nor given them the one finger salute, but I've been tempted many times.  Thanks again, Officer MacGregor, for a job very well done!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Pony Tail at Last!

Chatting with a friend in SC yesterday, she requested a picture update on my pony tail project.  I realized that I hadn't even tried to put it in a pony tail, so last night at Jen and Mike's I made the first attempt, with Barbara's coaching, and here it is.  I had it pulled so tight that my eyes were slanted and all the wrinkles were gone from my face!  I could barely smile!  It did feel very strange, but the longer it was in, the more comfortable it became.  When I got a trim in January before going to Asheville, the hair dresser said that hair grows about a 1/2 inch a month.  My last full haircut was in April of last year.  You can do the math. 

The friend also requested pics of scenery.  So here is a recent one of another big bird, taken while on a walk with friends Ginger and Dakota at Bayfront park.  I tried to get a pic of Dakota, but as you see, she's a wiggler. 
And finally, another favorite scenerary shot to finish off today's entry.  It's also at Bayfront Park. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Whatta fine day!

Luis, me and Barbara
It was mostly a lazy day here in sunny Florida, doing a few chores, walking, reading a novel.  Then this afternoon, Barbara and I went to see the play "Race" at the Florida Studio Theater. WOW!

It was set in a small law office and was about the alleged rape of a black woman by a rich white man.  The main characters, two lawyers, one black and one white, struggled with whether or not to take the case and then what to do with it once they stumbled into having it.  A new lawyer at the firm, a black woman, brought their struggle to a surprising conclusion.  It was one of the most intense performances I've ever seen.  It was thought provoking, anxiety producing and very fast paced.  I was tired when the curtain fell! 

On another entertainment note, if you're thinking about seeing the movie "Sanctum", don't.  It's a waste of good money and time. 

We then met Luis at a wonderful restaurant named Cafe Baci, with authentic Italian cuisine.  In spite of them losing our reservation, we were seated within 10 minutes and had a very fine meal.  Luis and I had Tuscan stew, comprised of shrimp, scallops, clams, mussels, fish, celery, carrots and potatoes in a garlic tomato seafood broth.  It was one of the best things I've ever eaten!  Absolutely delicious!  The great food was exceeded only by the service of our fine wait staff, Suzanne.

Our food was sitting on a tray and folding rack when Suzanne stepped between it and our table and a look of panic crossed her face as she bumped the tray and it wiggled.  But she couldn't move!  Whenever she did, the tray moved, too and she was kinda stuck!  Her apron string had caught on the folding rack and held her fast.  In spite of her fear, she reached behind her, got the apron string loose and proceeded to serve our meals.  She was shaking a little bit, but still managed to smile.  I said, "That's the best save I've ever seen!"  And it was.  She said she was afraid the whole order was going to wind up on the floor and it could have very easily.  I was totally impressed!

She was so pretty and pleasant, I wanted to flirt with her but she was very busy and conscientious about her other customers.  But I did ask her to take our picture and left her one of my cards, inviting her here to see what I wrote about our experience there.   When Suzanne had gone to get our check, I asked Barbara to help me out and be sure to make it known that I was her brother, which she did very well upon Suzanne's return.  Luis was playfully scolding Barbara about helping me, and I told him to back off, that we were a team!  We all had a very fine time that I'll remember for a long, long time! 

Thanks again, Suzanne, and a great save!

Baseball Season

Niece Jennifer and her son, Jason
Baseball season has begun here and since I have become a fan again, I'm excited!  My nephew Jason's first game was on Thursday night and his team didn't do very well.  I rode the 2 1/2 hours round trip with his mother, Jennifer, and we had a wonderful talk.  She has an undergraduate degree is psychology, a masters in public health and is a rep for a pharmaceutical company so we had a lot to talk about.  Mostly we spoke of her career on the way down and her family on the way back.

She reminds me a lot of my daughter, Barbara, who has degrees in psychology.  As we talked about Jen's family dynamics, I was reminded of transactional analysis and what it had done for Barbara, personally and professionally, over the past few months.  So I gave her a mini-version of TA101, "Parent", "Adult", and "Child" ego states, along with how one "hooks" the other and a little bit about "games".  We all get frustrated dealing with out parents, or have been, and Jennifer is no different.  So I was hoping that an understanding of TA might lessen her frustration, increase her understanding of the dynamics and maybe even bring about some changes.  As we were finishing our talk, I promised to give her a copy of "Born to Win", one of the books that changed my life.  Barbara has only read "I'm OK, You're OK", which was another life changer for me and BtW is next on her list, I think.  

So while the baseball game itself wasn't all that good (it rained the whole time, too), the trip down and back made the evening more than worthwhile.  Being of help to Jennifer in some small way enhanced my self esteem and boosted my spirits, and who knows, her good relationship with her parents might become even better for the years they have left.  I hope so. 

The Baltimore Orioles have their spring training here and I'm really looking forward to watching those games.  They play every day, just about, at 1:05, so it's there if I want it.  That will be fun, I'm sure.  March 1 is the start of that season and I can't wait to hear the ump call out, "PLAY BALL!"

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Fun Filled Times!

?, Ginger,  Janice and Walt
 Last night was the culmination of several fun filled days.  It was karaoke night at the Sun n Fun bar, with friend Ginger and her daughter, Janice, visiting from the cold north.  There was lots of dancing, a little drinking and much laughter.  It was a fine night!

Sunshine Skyway bridge
Yesterday I rode the Burgman up to St. Petersburg to visit Fort Desoto and the beaches.  It was a warm, beautiful day for a ride and I thoroughly enjoyed crossing the Sunshine Skyway bridge.  It was almost like flying it's so high over the water.  Plus it's pretty windy up there and that's always good for a few thrills on the scooter. 

Don Cesar hotel
Crossing over a bridge onto the beaches I had to stop for traffic and had this view of the old Don Cesar hotel.  It's a classic and I remember it well from my childhood days at the beach.  It's one of the few things I could recognize from those days from long ago.  It is still very beautiful and imposing. 

I turned south at the beach to go toward Pass-a-Grill and found this neat little cafe on the water.  The crab salad was one of the best things I've ever eaten!  And the ambiance was as good as the food!  Then it was time for a long, barefooted walk on the beach.  The water was chilly, but this cool little seabird didn't seem to mind.  The orange of their beaks is so intense I just had to snap this shot.
On Wednesday evening Barbara and Luis came to my place for dinner and it was fun preparing for guests.  It's the first time I've had anyone over since I've been here and I realized how much I missed doing that.  We then went to a comedy show here in the park and had some good laughs.  Also, Barbara and I dined at Trader Vic's last night so we could catch up on the week.  I'll be attending a Super Bowl party here in the park on Sunday so I won't see them for dinner that day. 

Oh yeah.  On Thursday I was at a big buffet for lunch when a man came up to me and said "Fred?"  I didn't recognize him right away and said "yes I am".  He introduced himself as Rick, one of the brothers from the men's retreat last weekend!  What a nice surprise.  We chatted for a few minutes then went on our ways.

Whew!  It's like a social whirl wind all of a sudden and I like it!  I've really been missing Jubilee! lately, as Howard has been on vacation in Key West so I haven't downloaded the services.  It sure will be good to hear him again.  I really miss that music, too, and find myself humming their tunes a lot. 

Once again, I'm reminded how good life is!