Saturday, February 12, 2011

Whatta fine day!

Luis, me and Barbara
It was mostly a lazy day here in sunny Florida, doing a few chores, walking, reading a novel.  Then this afternoon, Barbara and I went to see the play "Race" at the Florida Studio Theater. WOW!

It was set in a small law office and was about the alleged rape of a black woman by a rich white man.  The main characters, two lawyers, one black and one white, struggled with whether or not to take the case and then what to do with it once they stumbled into having it.  A new lawyer at the firm, a black woman, brought their struggle to a surprising conclusion.  It was one of the most intense performances I've ever seen.  It was thought provoking, anxiety producing and very fast paced.  I was tired when the curtain fell! 

On another entertainment note, if you're thinking about seeing the movie "Sanctum", don't.  It's a waste of good money and time. 

We then met Luis at a wonderful restaurant named Cafe Baci, with authentic Italian cuisine.  In spite of them losing our reservation, we were seated within 10 minutes and had a very fine meal.  Luis and I had Tuscan stew, comprised of shrimp, scallops, clams, mussels, fish, celery, carrots and potatoes in a garlic tomato seafood broth.  It was one of the best things I've ever eaten!  Absolutely delicious!  The great food was exceeded only by the service of our fine wait staff, Suzanne.

Our food was sitting on a tray and folding rack when Suzanne stepped between it and our table and a look of panic crossed her face as she bumped the tray and it wiggled.  But she couldn't move!  Whenever she did, the tray moved, too and she was kinda stuck!  Her apron string had caught on the folding rack and held her fast.  In spite of her fear, she reached behind her, got the apron string loose and proceeded to serve our meals.  She was shaking a little bit, but still managed to smile.  I said, "That's the best save I've ever seen!"  And it was.  She said she was afraid the whole order was going to wind up on the floor and it could have very easily.  I was totally impressed!

She was so pretty and pleasant, I wanted to flirt with her but she was very busy and conscientious about her other customers.  But I did ask her to take our picture and left her one of my cards, inviting her here to see what I wrote about our experience there.   When Suzanne had gone to get our check, I asked Barbara to help me out and be sure to make it known that I was her brother, which she did very well upon Suzanne's return.  Luis was playfully scolding Barbara about helping me, and I told him to back off, that we were a team!  We all had a very fine time that I'll remember for a long, long time! 

Thanks again, Suzanne, and a great save!

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