Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Whatta day

Got caught in the rain yesterday big time, soaked & chilled to the bone. Then the thunder rolled continuously for several hours. It was quite a show. Thought about going to Pretty Place (Symmes Chapel) with the great panorama to watch it & chickened out.
My accountant informed me today that it looked like the IRS was right & gave me a couple of options I didn't care for. So we'll take another step or 2 although I'm realizing that I'm not in a good position on this. What I dislike most is going back to 2008 again & going through LaVerne's business again. I just don't want to do it.
So, after a couple hours of dealing with this I went to Dugan's Pub for a pint and a sandwich, during which a big storm arrived, wind & rain. I peeked out at my scooter only to see that my helmet was gone. Crap! Somebody must've stolen it! I was totally bummed, told the bar maid what had happened & she spread the word. A guy came over, fellow scooter dude, & said he saw me leave it there & neither of us could believe somebody would steal it.
It was raining hard & I was moaning about the IRS when after a while, the guy came in carrying my helmet. He'd found it in the gutter, filled with flowing water - YUCK!_ & it was soaked. But boy was I glad to see it. So I bought him a Guinness & would have bought him several. He said he had been sitting there stewing about it, because he had left his helmet on his ride, too. Before he walked in with it I'd just told the bar maid I was gonna call the police & ask them to look for it. How busy could they be in lil ole Brevard? My mind had really taken things to a bad place, worse than the real place.
I'm tired of the rain & everything being damp all the time, even in the trailer. I don't use the AC so it's natural air all the time. I like that, except at times like this.
One more day at Cedar Mountain, then off to Fontana. Tomorrow evening going to Asheville to meet a new friend for dinner. The adventure goes on!


  1. Sorry for your troubles, Fred. You should start using my new mantra: "It's always worse in your head than it is in real life."

  2. Hi Fred. Didn't read yesterday's post until today and kinda glad, today sounds better than yesterday for you. It's almost like, Oh, I'm sorry your broken heart is almost healed up, we have to go back in and re-break 'cause there was a mess up before. Hope the pain won't be so bad and that the re-healing will come more quickly and that it will be correct this time. Saying a prayer for you for all of it. Lindalee


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