Wednesday, September 1, 2010

That Darned Mercury!

According to astrology, the plantet Mercury controls communications and transportation.  When the plantet goes retrograde (moving away from planet Earth), these 2 things are problematic.  And as a Gemini, Mercury is my ruling plantet, which makes the effects even worse.

The past week or so has seen me a bit on the blue side caused by several things: post-reunion let down, not getting the tires I need for the Vespa and not having a working hearing aid for my left ear (transportation and communication).  Plus, I haven't had any things planned soon to look forward to, as plans made during retrograde Mercury usually don't work.  That's changing,,,, NOW!

The Vespa tires will be replaced on Sept. 8 and I pick up the new hearing aid tomorrow.  I'm also looking forward to playing golf at a nearby course, the one where my Uncle June played a lot.  And I plan to go trout fishing at Mills River, where the kids and I camped and fished many years ago.  As I recall we almost got skunked by a skunk on that trip.  It wandered through our camp and kept on going, thank goodness!  We didn't get skunked on fishing, though, and caught our limit several times.  We ate very well on that trip! 

Spent another nice afternoon with friend Marcia yesterday on a picnic at Lake Julian.  As usual we talked a lot about our losses and our healing and just enjoyed each others company a lot.  We also had fun feeding the ducks, geese and the fish.  While feeding the fish, a duck came over and caught 2 fish, something I'd never seen before.  It was quite a sight!  The fish was too big to be swallowed, so a larger duck came over and took it away. 

This seems to be a time for cleaning, fixing and replacing stuff and me.  Introspection was suggested by a horoscope several days ago and I took the advice.  Next Sunday I will go to Jubilee for their church service  because I've been hearing about it for so many years.  I'll also go to the Tourist's baseball game tomorrow night, as it is "Thirsty Thursday" with beer at greatly reduced prices.  Having things to look forward to is a very important part of happiness for me and it pulls me into the future.  LaVerne and I did that a lot and it helped us get through some very difficult days to find happiness waiting.

The other day I went to a motorcycle place to ride a Burgman 400 and see what they would do on a trade.  As suspected, they couldn't even come close to what I want for the Vespa, but I took the Burgman for a ride on the interstate and the parkway.  Wow!  What a ride!  I got up to 80 in no time on the interstate and backed off quickly.  The Burg is smooth, quiet and very comfortable and I'm sure I'll get one after I sell the Vespa.  The Vespa got a lot of attention at the motorcycle place because of the dragon decals on it and because they had not had a Vespa come in there.  We were a first!  So, here's my favorite pic of me and Lil V on the Tail of the Dragon!

I woke up cold this morning because it was 54 degrees in here!  I didn't realize that it was going to be that chilly or I would have closed the windows.  Just a few minutes with the heat on took the chill off.  Fall is on the way and will be here before I know it.  Guess I better start "grass hopperin'" and get ready!

1 comment:

  1. Brrr... It was 48 here this morning. Woke up at 5:30 to shut the windows because the heat came on!

    Glad things are looking up for you.


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