Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Adjusting to Yin Time

Finally I decided to embrace yin time and reset my personal clock, and attitude, to match it instead of fighting it and not trying to be happy and content all of the time.  It seems to be working.  At least I'm not so stressed from going against the stream and life is at least okay once again.  I also acquired these yin/yang candle holders and along with my singing bowl, I have had some good connections with the universe and with my deeper self.  It is hard, and it is good. 

Yesterday Marcia and I rode the Burg up the parkway then cut across to Weaverville and the Zebulon Vance birthplace.  In all the years I lived and visited here, I had never even gotten close to it.  Much of the wood in the structures has been replaced, but the main fireplace in the house is original brick and mortar. 

In addition to the main house, the site also had several out buildings: a weaving house, tool shed, corn crib, smoke house, spring house and slave quarters.  The old, dark wood reminded me of the house at Briarpatch and brought back some good memories of that place.  This pic especially reminded of it.

It was good to learn of Vance's history and that his career as a lawyer began at Carolina.  Yep, he was a bona fide Tar Heel in the truest sense of the word.  He was also the most popular governor the state has ever known.  It felt good to know such a great man had come from such a humble place in the country. 

The main house sits on a slight rise and faces a large, flowing hay field and a low ridge.  I imagine it was shielded from fierce winds by the rise in front of and behind it.  Being the wise people that they were, all the windows in the house, which aren't many, are on the south side. 

The narrow stair way leading to the second floor was almost identical to the one at Briarpatch - same width, steepness and a little door at the foot to control the heat going upstairs.  Windows near the beds let in some light and heat, which added some comfort I'm sure.  Still, it had to be a hard life in the winter time. 

With the moon being at or near fullness tonight, it will be yin time for sure.  It will be a good time to remember what this season is about, and what I'm about, or not.  So I'll stay home alone tonight and and look at the moon reflected on the lake here.  Maybe I'll go for a walk, or just sit by the lake and be still. 

Thanks for stopping by. 


  1. I haven't checked in lately, but have followed your posts faithfully. Love the window photo in this one.

  2. That doorway sure does look like the old house, especially the home made gun rack. Do you know when the Vance house was built? Looks like the same time period - around 1880.

  3. Thank you, Mamie, as I surely value your eye as a photog. Zoe, it was uncanny how similar the houses looked. I'll check on the construction date and let you know. Somehow I think it may have been before that. It was good to be there...


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