Friday, November 19, 2010

Whatta Day!

Yesterday I picked up the Burgman scooter from the shop after an unexpected lengthy stay over.  Routine maintenance turned into an extended stay when a bearing seized and stuck in place.  It also meant a few extra dollars in parts and repair time.  When it was fixed, though, I hit the parkway and thoroughly enjoyed the ride!

After doing some shopping at Earth Fare at Westgate, I went to the family burial plot at Green Hills Cemetery to visit the graves of my mom, dad, and my mom's parents.  It was a very good visit.  Calm and peaceful.  I also came to realize how much I missed a funeral service for LaVerne.  While the memorial service for her was good, it left me wanting.  That may be why it has taken me so long to heal from the loss of her.  Anyhow, here is a pic of the family plot.
It still makes me stop and be still to see my name on a gravestone.

Tonight I went to a didgeridoo meditation at Jubilee and it was fantastic!  Corey Costanzo played the instruments, and he also used rattles and singing bowls during the meditation.  He walked around while playing the didgeridoo and put the instrument close to our bodies and I could feel the vibrations going through me.  He also placed singing bowls on our bodies which was quite a wonderful experience.  At one point, my minds' eye became extremely clear and very detailed.  It was a new experience for me.  And I liked it very much!  The sound was haunting, melodic, mesmerizing, and captivating.  I hope to do it again.

Afterward I went to Jack of the Woods pub which was hosting a jam session of blue grass musicians.  After several beers and Crown Royals, I found the courage to talk to 2 very young, very beautiful ladies and totally enjoyed flirting and talking with them!  They were both in their mid 20's, from Columbia, SC, and captivating.  When one of them expressed an interest in dating me, I quickly said that both were way too young for me to court and dismissed the idea.  Upon further reflection, I could see being with either of them for a short time, no more than 5 years, as a mentor, guide, whatever you want to call me.  Yes, even dirty old man would be okay.    They got my juices flowing, that's for sure!  It was great fun!

Liz and Lena

They were both gorgeous and you can see why I enjoyed their company so much.  I thanked them profusely for spending time with me, a geezer at best, though I didn't use that word with them..   Two younger guys closed in as I was leaving, and all I could think was."jeez, to be a few years younger."  Oh well, I'm not!  Anyhow, basketball is here now so all is well in the sports world!


  1. Hello Fred!

    It was wonderful meeting you yesterday! Lena and I had a great time in Asheville, but now we are back in Columbia.. If you're ever in the Columbia area come to Lizard's Thicket It would be great to see you again sometime. You were one of the best people we met on our trip!!
    Liz Seward

  2. Hey Liz, How nice to hear from you! A very pleasant surprise. Glad you had a great trip and hope to see you again, too.


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