Monday, May 23, 2011

Pool of Light

Pool of Light
Yesterday I skirted the edge of this thunderstorm returning home from a Jubilee! fundraiser-picnic in Black Mountain.  I got sprinkled, but not soaked, and was grateful for that!

It seems that every time I start to think about not blogging anymore, someone appears to tell me they come here and like what they see.  That happened just a few days ago, so thank you for mentioning it.  Otherwise, I was thinking about writing a farewell post.  Actually, they didn't even say they liked it, just that they come here.  Oh well.  Here's one more at least! 

Several days ago my cell phone went the way of my camera, after they both got dunked in the river.  I really liked that phone and of course that model has been retired.  So I'm onto another one so I can stay connected with the people that matter most, the people I love and who love me in return. 

On Saturday I attended the Opening Gala Event for Jubilee's! new wellness program, Pathways to Wellness, and I had a very fine time!  There were healthy whole foods cooking classes, revitalizing and energizing movement classes and meditation as well as transformative lectures and discussions led by Asheville's top holistic educators.  It was fun, informative and very helpful.
Jubilant and Lino
My first session was with Lino Stanchich on "Self Massage" and it was outstanding!  He is 79 years old and looks and acts more like 29!  He was very knowledgeable, funny, engaging and practical in his approach.  He patiently led us through the self massage techniques and I felt so good when we were done, I immediately bought his dvd so I could learn the many methods he covered.  His website is  Toward the end of our session he had us standing in a circle belly-laughing out loud, jumping up and down and fully rejuvenated.  Wow!

The next session I attended was on soup making and the leader, Lenore Baum, was equally engaging and knowledgeable.  We watched her make "Yellow Spit Pea Dahl" and it was delicious!  But more than that, it was nutritious and I learned far more about nutrition than just making soup.  Things like "antioxidants are like Pacman eating the bad guys", and "Don't cook with salt, add it later", and "Use regular olive oil, not extra virgin, when it's heated" as well as "Eat leafy greens along with bean soups to balance the acidity".  She's written two cookbooks, "Lenore's Natural Cuisine" and "Sublime Soups".  I also learned that the most sprayed items in the produce section are strawberries, grapes/raisins, and peaches, so go for the organic ones whenever you can.  Oh yeah, and before this class was one on making sweets so I got to sample "Cinnamon Raisin Rice Pudding", which was truly out of this world, and "Peach Kanten with Almond Creme".  And one more tip from Lenore: using white pepper instead of black causes less irritation to the intestines.  She was amazing!  You can find her at

Sushi making
Then there was the sushi making class.  Now that I've seen how it's done, I'm pretty sure I'll never attempt it, but I was very hungry and sat through the whole thing.  And it was soooo worth it!  Delicious!  All vegetables, no fish or seafood of any kind.  She mostly used scallions, cucumber, avocado and carrots.    The flavors were excellent and there were several varieties to choose from.  Plus the rice was just right and some of the best I've ever had!  The only problem I had was trying to stop gobbling them down!  They were sooo good!  Okay, maybe I will attempt to make them some time. 

We finished the day with dancing, both the electric slide and freestyle, and it was a very fine way to finish a very fine day.  I loved it and look forward to the next time.  It's stuff like this that makes me want to be here - a lot!

After the event I was wandering through Pack Square when I saw what appeared to be a familiar face.  So I stopped and said "you look like my cousin, Tommy Propest" and he replied, "I am.  Who are you?"  I said "Fred Racey" and we shook hands, hugged and went off on a 30 minute plus conversation that was most enjoyable.  I don't remember the last time I saw Tommy.  But he and his family lived just up the road from me in Reeves Cove and so we were also neighbors.  He was the youngest of 5, so I didn't know him as well as the rest, especially his older brother, Ralph, who was about my age.  Ralph and I hung around together a lot back then, running his old Henry Ford car up and down the gravel road.  Their dad, my Uncle Garrett, was a car mechanic and a preacher so he keep the car running good as well as trying to steer us on the straight and narrow.  What great fun we had!

Jubilee! Singers
Jubilee's! theme for last Sunday was the Legacy of Connection.  For some reason I can't fathom, it was one of the most moving and tearful services I've attended there.  And it wasn't just me.  There were tears everywhere that day.  Sitting near me was an Elizabeth Salendar look alike, with dark hair falling over her eyes, lips pierced, tats, wearing a black top and blue jeans, signing to a young, stocky man next to her who was sporting a mohawk and wearing an orange astronaut jump suit.  When the choir sang a beautiful song, she signed it as well and it was so moving that Howard had tears running down his face.  So did I and a lot of other folks. 

From the meditation reading for Jubilee! that day came this from Jean Shinoda Bolen and "Crossing to Avalon":"

 I have often felt myself to be a point of light, connected to everyone I have ever loved or mattered to, each also being a point of light, in turn connected to those they love, so that somehow we are all part of a vast web of twinkling lights.

 The whole point of Sunday's message was we are not alone.  Ever.  We are always connected in many ways, to each other and to the divine.  By the end I was feeling very close to all the people I love and who love me:  my children, grandchildren, cousins, siblings, friends and lovers.  All of you, each and every one. 

Later that afternoon was a fundraiser-picnic at the beautiful country home of a Jubilant couple.  We raised money to feed the hungry while feeding ourselves and enjoying this beautiful setting and each other.  There was swimming in the pool, fishing in the pond, volleyball, great music and a warm spring day.  As the thunder beings began to arrive, I left to scoot around the edge of the storm and just make it back in time to miss the deluge.  That's the picture at the top.  I couldn't decide whether to call it "Heaven and Earth" or "Pool of Light".  Both went through my mind as I observed this awesome sight. 

Oh yeah.  I also went to visit another cousin, William Propest and his wife, Joyce, that afternoon after the service and before the picnic.  I stayed with them back in January when I came up for Henrietta's funeral.  They had been on my mind a lot lately and especially so during the service.  William was recovering from a bad cold and Joyce from having something removed from her cheek, so I was glad to bring a little cheer to them.  We had a good visit in spite of their ailments and I felt glad to be with them once again.

My activity level is about to go way up with a short trip to Knoxville this week to visit an old high school buddy, George Holcomb, then the White Squirrel Festival in Brevard this weekend.  The following weekend I'll be going to the Raleigh-Durham area to visit my son and granddaughters, attend a friend's wedding, and visit with friends.  The next weekend I'll be in Forest, VA to visit Barbara and her family before starting my westward trek.  Whew! 


  1. Nice post, Fred. Stick with the blogging, especially on your adventure out west. The only way I'll get to see that is vicariously! Say 'hello' to George for me.

  2. I am a reader and believer - you are not alone my friend, there are several riding along with you! Looking forward to seeing you in a couple weeks!

  3. Love the picture at the beginning of the post. Keep us entertained, please.

  4. I can see how it was difficult to decide on what to call the first photo either "Heaven and Earth" or "Pool of Light" both are very fitting as the first thing I saw when gazing at the photo was the hand of God pointing the way.... Your new camera fits you and your photography skills :)


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