Saturday, December 17, 2011

Casy Key Tiki Bar

A couple days ago I rode in the back seat of Deb and Walt's convertible, not thinking about what it would do to my hair.  The wind quickly undid my pony tail then whipped my face unmercifully.  Lesson learned:  don't do that again!  It's one of those long hair things I had to learn the hard way.  It took me 10 painful minutes to get the tangles out just so I could run a comb through it. 
We went to the Casey Key Tiki Bar to see a huge sand sculptor of the championship speed boat, Twisted Metal.  Little did I know that the Travel Channel was filming the event for viewing in March.  I'll post the date and time when I find out.  There were 5 people doing the sand work and it was fine work, indeed! 
They depicted the boat cutting through the water and even included a tank of greenish water that gurgled.  The wake behind the boat was intricate and really gave the whole thing a sense of movement. 
"Can I get a Scotch and soda, please?"
This bar gives an entirely new meaning to the term "dog friendly", as you can see.  One of the barmaids, Skeeter, often shares a bowl of pasta with her canine clientele.  Others are just there for the drinks.

And some are there just because they're pretty and want to be seen.   I also discovered how potent the Rum Runner cocktails can be, since I was a passenger and not riding on 2 wheels for a change.  (The Burg is going in for major clutch maintenance soon and I didn't want to chance the old one disintegrating in the housing.) 

Lynn, sister Barbara and I saw the play "It's A Wonderful Life" last night and it was very good and very different.  It was about a radio play with 4 people reading all the parts and doing the sound effects.  Fascinating! 

Learned a few days ago that daughter Barbara and her family won't be coming down this year.  Sure was disappointed as we had such a good time at their last visit here.  Maybe in 2013, although that sure sounds like a long way off. 

Hope you're in the spirit of the season and enjoying every moment of it!  Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. I can fix that blowing hair problem with just a few snips of the scissors!


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