Thursday, May 24, 2012

Life at Lake Powhatan-2

It's more than nice to have this beautiful lake in our backyard.  I go there often and fish whenever I can.   A new recipe for smoking trout on the little Weber grill provides a delicious treat once in a while. 

The people we work with are terrific folks.  They're all friendly, smart, caring and retired.  And they all care about what we do here.  They come from many different walks of life and have lots of stories to tell about their travels.  It's so much fun to work here that I can hardly call it "work". 

Hugh has come to visit a few times and William, too.  Ginger from Sun n Fun is planning to stopover on her way north and Claudia and Buck are planning to come.  We're hoping for lots of visitors over the summer, as leaving here is a bit difficult for us since as we're required to be present for all weekends and holidays. 

I caught this small pickeral below the dam on the first cast of a spinner.  He hit it so hard I thought I had a whale!  He was barely 10" long so back he went.  Plus they're so bony they are more trouble to eat than they're worth. 

Splitting and stacking wood is a pleasure I haven't enjoyed since my days in Boone.  Frequent fires keep us calm and serene in this woodsy setting.  Our front yard is full of wild blueberries and we're watching them grow and ripen, hoping for a nice treat pretty soon.  It's hard not to count those berries before they're ready!

This 15 incher is my biggest catch so far.  On June 2 there is a special kids fishing day here and there will be a large stocking to prepare for it.  From what I hear, the kids don't catch that many fish so the leftovers could be awesome.  We'll see . . .

Skinks are plentiful at our home and this is one of the prettiest.  I've yet to see one catch a meal but I'm sure I will at some point.

Memorial Day is almost here and the campground and beach will be full.  Plus we're implementing a new day use fee which will make it even more challenging.  Since I love to be busy and love a good challenge, I should be in hog heaven for a few days! 

We have two foxes in residence and see them about once a week or so.  They have the prettiest coats I've ever seen on any animal.  And when we stop to stare at them, they stop and stare back.  My attempts at getting a picture have failed so far, but I'll keep trying. 

Thanks for stopping by!  And come see us!

1 comment:

  1. It's really sad to see how the new $2 fee is impacting folks who are just passing through the picnic/beach area, as we experienced just last week.


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