Monday, August 15, 2011

Ah Cabela's!

My days here in Ypsi are lazy ones for the most part.  I read a lot, swim in the cool, clear lake, nap in the afternoon and clean out the storage places in Howhee.  So the other day I took a little trip to Dundee, about 30 minutes away, to visit a Cabela's store for the first time.  It was awesome!  Visitors are greeted by the sight above, giant bears fighting to the death over some moose antlers.  This was only the beginning, as the center piece of the giant outdoor sporting goods store is a display of taxidermy that you would find in a museum.  I went to get some of my favorite lures, Blue Fox spinners, and they had all sizes and types.  It was great!

The other night I went to the local county fair expecting to see a demolition derby and I did, sorta.  Instead of cars, they used little farm tractors!  It was hilarious as the little machines ran head on into each other, climbing up wheels, almost tipping over, then backing up and doing it again.  I didn't take any pictures and I'm not sure why.  After all, it seemed to be a significant cultural event for the locals.  They also had ATV time trials for trophies and some drag races.  One guy flipped over backwards, which was the highlight of the night.  One contestant, when asked by the announcer if there was anyone he would like to thank, said "Yeah, the old lady and the kid!".  Honest.  That's a direct quote. 

The planet Mercury went retrograde on August 3 and as my ruling planet, has caused me numerous problems with transportation and communication, as usual.  A routine oil change and new rear tire for the Burg took two visits and 5 hours of waiting time.  It was discovered new brake pads were needed and the new ones made a scraping sound, sometimes, and the cause was more than hard to find though very easy to fix.  I've also had trouble ordering prescriptions and getting a response from my property manager in Raleigh.

The area is full of old Fords, especially from the 50's and 60's.  This beautiful old Fairlane resided just up the lane from me in the RV park and was from Ontario.  What a beauty!  My distant cousin, friend and neighbor in Reeves Cove, Keith Sprinkle, had one a lot like this and he let me drive it a couple of times when I was a young teenager.  What a thrill!  Then his girl friend at the time, Martha Ann Letterman, accidentally let it back into Lake James and it sank.  Yep.  Totally submerged.  It was recovered, the car that is, but nothing was ever quite the same. 

The weather here has been fall-like, 50's at night and low 70's during the day, and very pleasant.  I'm yearning for the mountains and Jubilee! but will have to stay here a while longer.  I plan to visit the Ford Museum, Yankee Air Museum, a little town called Frankenmuth and play some more golf.  I played a round last week and felt like my old game was returning, so I have to go back now.  Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Ewww... all those stuffed animals creep me out. Glad you had fun, though! This Mercury retrograde period has been particularly difficult.


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