Friday, August 5, 2011

By the Numbers

Approaching Fishing Bridge, Yellowstone NP
I left Ypsilanti, MI on June 27 and headed north to the Upper Peninsula.  From there I went west and eventually passed through 10 states and drove 4, 576 miles by the time I returned to Ypsi on August 1.  The 10 states were:  Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois and Indiana.  Eight different RV parks had the pleasure of my company and I didn't stay in a motel once.  The trip required 414 gallons of diesel fuel which averaged 11.1 miles per gallon.  Not too bad.  During the trip I experienced one flat tire on the trailer, at Yellowstone, and a hailstorm in Cheyenne that broke all my skylights and poked holes in my awning ($700 in damages, which Progressive Insurance promptly paid for when I got back to Michigan.)  The Burgman performed marvelously, only requiring an oil change and new back tire when I returned. 

It was a trip of a lifetime and I'll never forget all the wonderful sights and sounds and smells.  I'm missing Asheville and Jubilee!, but I'm commited to stay here until September 12 due to reservation obligations.  Otherwise, I'd be gone in a heartbeat.  I'll do what I can to make the best of my time here, museums and such, but I long to be home and miss the mountains. 

1 comment:

  1. It seemed like such a short trip! I have looked forward to your posts. Don't stop now! I am sure Michigan has a lot of wonderful sites too.


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