Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Moran to Cheyenne

The road from Moran to Cheyenne, WY is one of the prettiest I've ever traveled.  The landscape is constantly changing and there are miles and miles of nothingness, except the beauty of nature.  I thoroughly enjoyed it! 

Antelope were fairly easy to spot, but more difficult to photograph.  I got a fairly good look at this one.

The view from this knoll was awesome.  It seemed like I could see for a hundred miles or more and the air was crystal clear. 

All day long I had seen a thunderstorm building on the horizon and hoped I would get set up before it hit.  And I did, but just barely.  The thunder beings brought strong winds, heavy rain and big marble-sized hail about 5 minutes after I finished setting up and went to the office to check in.  I was stranded in the office until it let up a little, then I hopped on the Burg and rode through rain and hail to the trailer, thankfully a very short ride. 

As I entered the trailer, I could see the skylight over the bed was broken and water was pouring in.  I quickly put plastic over the bed and then grabbed the duct tape for a makeshift diverter.  It worked, sorta.  Then I found the other 2 skylights were also damaged, but they weren't leaking like the first one.  Welcome to Cheyenne from the thunder beings!

The USAF Thunderbirds practised on Monday and were clearly visible over the RV park.  It was a huge thrill to see them again and they watered my eyes, as always.  Their show will center over the community college, about a mile from here.  I will go down there for a front row seat, which I haven't done in many, many years.   

In a few minutes I'm going to Frontier Park and see the festivities there for the first time.  Yesterday was spent drying things out and getting the skylights repaired.  I was very glad that a repairman was able to come so quickly and do a good job at a reasonable price.  Business was booming for him, an independent sole proprietor, and I was glad for his good fortune. 

After weeks of being behind, I am finally caught up with this blog.  It has been very frustrating at times to want to post and not be able to.  Thanks for hanging with me and I hope you've enjoyed reading and looking as much as I have enjoyed doing it!  Oh yeah!

1 comment:

  1. Just awesome, Fred! Makes me want to go see for myself soooo bad!


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