Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Grand Tetons, part 2

The rivers near Grand Teton were mostly fast and furious, especially the Snake River.  But this gentle oxbow was a fine place to enjoy calm and see the place from a different perspective.

At Colter Bay Village on Jackson Lake, there is a native American museum that blew my socks off.  It had been a private collection and was truly some of the finest bead work I've ever seen.  I may post a pic, but the pics just don't capture the beauty of the works.  No flash was allowed, as light causes damage to the works over time.  It was very moving. 

Before visiting the museum, I had an experience that reminded of how quickly our lives can change.  An elderly lady and her daughter were walking down a pathway toward the marina when the older woman slipped and fell down.  The daughter and a bystander helped her up, so I continued on my way.  In a few minutes, I noticed the woman sitting on a bench with the daughter asking "mom are you okay?' and getting no response.  I went over and sat next to the lady, putting my arm around her and looking into her eyes.  Her expression was blank and her stare fixed.  The daughter was getting more upset by the moment and she said "I'm going to get help, will you stay with her?"  I said I would and off she went.  I continued talking to the woman and she continued to stare.  In a few minutes, she threw up down the front of her blouse, but that was her only movement.   Soon the daughter returned with a park ranger and shortly thereafter the EMT's arrived and took over.  It appeared she'd had a stroke.  I hope not, but the daughter's face told me she thought the same thing.  I was fine until it was over, and then I got the shakes.  Our lives can change in the blink of an eye, at any moment.  So, living life one moment at a time is the only way that really makes sense.  The daughter thanked me several times and all I could do was nod.  I had done so little, yet it meant so much to the daughter.  Sometimes that's all we can do.  Just be present.
On the ride back, another large collection of vehicles on the side of the road prompted me to stop and ask about what was happening.  There were 3 bull mooses feeding nearby so I had to go and check it out.  Sure am glad I did!  Another demonstration of moose drool at its finest!

Farewell to the Grand Tetons!  You are, indeed, grand!

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